The Comma Bistro Blog
The Comma Bistro Blog features ruminations on the latest trends in marketing, branding, and communications.
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Welcome to the Comma Bistro blog! Here you’ll find relevant ruminations on the latest trends in marketing, branding, and communications. Make sure to check in for how-to info on creating on-point content that piques your audience’s interest and other techniques for differentiating your business with words. To read the entire article, click on the post’s title.


The Art of the Customer Interview

In college I spent a year working for Ohio State’s newspaper, The Lantern. I wrote stories, edited copy, and photographed campus happenings. Occasionally, I had the chance to interview someone famous, including SNL alum Jim “Goat Boy” Breuer and political satirist and journalist P.J. O’Rourke. In looking back at how I approached those interviews, I realize now how woefully ill-prepared I was for the discussions.   As marketers, we’re always thrilled to find a customer who’s willing to publicly state not only...

Pen on paper

Tips to Jump-Start and Fine-Tune Your Writing

Whether you’re pulling together a 10-page report, creating a presentation, or drafting an important email, the need to write well is important for everyone in a business environment. Even if writing isn’t the focus of your job, having a few tricks up your sleeve can make the process a little faster and less daunting. Hopefully you can build your skillset over time and start knocking things out with less stress and more gusto. Below are some tips I’ve learned along...

Budding plant

20 Ideas for Fresh Blog Content

Well-written, well-promoted blog posts are a key element of many content marketing strategies. In fact, they’re an easy way to add new content to your website on an ongoing basis, which Google often rewards in the form of better organic search rankings for the keywords you include. Strong blogs also position your company as a thought leader in your space and give you a more casual way to tell your company’s story when compared to more formal pieces like news...

Crowd with happy people

The Power of Small Moment Stories in Your Marketing

It Was One of Those Days Early in 2008 I had just had my second son and was a week into maternity leave when our computer presented me with an unwelcome baby gift: a complete shutdown. Eager to communicate with family and friends to share photos and early experiences (and needing to figure out if I had indeed lost everything on my hard drive), I repeatedly contacted Dell’s technical support team for assistance. The problem was that I kept having to...

mac and cheese

The Mac and Cheese-Marketing Connection

Picture this: Two nine-year-old boys are locked in a soccer battle on the Xbox. It’s getting heated. The virtual crowd is cheering frantically, and my son’s friend Jack is playfully taunting him with little verbal jabs. My son is completely ignoring him. After several attempts, Jack finally turns and yells, “You want mac and cheese? Huh? WELL, I’LL GIVE YOU MAC AND CHEESE!”   This did the trick. My son burst out laughing, turned to Jack, and asked what we were both...

Antique typewriter

What an Antique Typewriter Teaches Us About Writing Today

This is a photo of the Remington Remette typewriter I bought almost 20 years ago at Columbus’ annual ComFest. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would inspire the design and vintage vibe of my own company brand. But here we are.   After doing some digging, I discovered that this typewriter was manufactured by the Remington Rand Corporation between 1938 and 1942. The world this machine came into was very different than the one we know today. When...

Comma Bistro nametag

How Comma Bistro Got Its Name

When I decided to start my own freelance writing and content strategy business, I knew I had to come up with a name that would help separate me from the pack. But I didn’t realize how tough it would be to find something interesting and original—that I actually liked. Every time I’d think of a possibility, I’d jump online only to discover someone else had already come up with the same idea—and had their website up and running in fine...